So Barak Obama got mad at the ‘attacks’ against his wife. “Lay off my wife” was the message to Tennessee’s Republican Party. Hey Barak, welcome to bare-knuckle politics. By trying to presume that such ‘attacks’ are ‘low class’, he once again expresses a political naiveté that does not bode well for when things get really pressing. If he cannot handle the potshots the inevitably will come, and exhibit such thin-skinned defensiveness, is he tough enough to handle the real barrage that comes to a sitting President? Clinton, for all his personal faults, had a thicker Teflon shell than perhaps the original Teflon President himself. Not many could have weathered the polarizing media that hit Bill Clinton, especially with his overwhelmingly polarizing wife. How come Barak Obama seems to flinch over something that is essentially politics-as-usual?
We’re already accustomed to spineless Presidents (Carter, Bush Sr., plus other 1-term wonders who won only to be politically impotent not even half way through their Presidency). Does American really want someone who can’t weather the inevitable attacks?
Probably not, and we’ll see more of this kind of response later in 2008.