Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Extinction of the Dinosaurs, continued

Detroit has gone through it’s catharsis (purgation, if you will, actually a ‘Car-Tharsis’).  What we have now is a nationalized auto company in GM (& to some extent, Chrysler).  We’re offered cash by DC politicos to ‘swap out’ of our gas-guzzling SUV’s.  And what do most people trade in to?


Toyotas and Hondas.


No kidding.  We have subsidized the US automotive industry and now, in a roundabout way, we’re providing cash for people to buy fuel efficient cars.  They just happen to be made by foreign car companies. 


Can it get any wackier?  Honestly, we’re nearly at the point where it just might be more reasonable to consider a new currency while we’re at it, since dollars will be worth fractions of a penny in the coming decades as our national debt reaches irreversible proportions.  There is no way the US can continue to bail out one industry (financial markets) after another (autos), pay for the health care of an aging population, and even begin to think about the myriad of projects that need attention (infrastructure, education, alternative energy, etc.). 


It’s time for those wonderful people of cutting-edge business and academia that brought us the Internet, New Media, and web 2.0 to consider other industries and how they can be transformed.  Transportation, health care delivery, education reform, everything is fair game.


The political domains are rapidly blurring, old institutions are coming apart, and new ideas need to surface and find traction. 


Otherwise, pay me in Euros.

