Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Al Franken!?!?



Honestly, WHY would rational thinking MN Democrats want to go down this path?  Are the pickings so slim for a viable Democrat to oppose the VERY BEATABLE Norm (Flip-Flop) Coleman that they have to go to a talk radio wonk and washed up comic?  He’s not even a satirist at this point.  There is no talent (as evidenced by the ‘discovery’ he did little or practically no research and not much more writing for his books.  He’s neither witty nor insightful, at best he’s a bit amateur politician and at worst he’s just another Patty Wetterling (ie., a candidate in WAY over their head, put forth into the contender’s role by a small-minded and out-dated caucus system, doomed to lose, not by much, but lose, to an otherwise VERY BEATABLE opponent who has NO BUSINESS being in DC).


Good grief people, what are you thinking?


Can’t we find anyone to step in, who’s not a ‘witty-type’, but someone who’s straight forward and focused?  Where’s Minnesota’s version of Jim Webb (the newly elected Senator from Virginia)? 


Where’s MN’s version of Barack Obama; Someone who can cut through and reach people and be a leader (not a poor comic trying to match witticisms with Rush)?


MN, we MUST do better than Al-Flippin’-Franken!!!  Coleman is waiting, WAITING to get plucked.  He’s so beatable it’s almost humorous.


His waffling is his biggest flaw, for sure.  His faux ‘Kennedy-esqe’ speech and manner is tired and old.  Pretty wife?  Who cares.  The guy is such a schill, he lost to Jesse Ventura, for heaven’s sake.  He’s been a Bush (actually Chaney) lap dog and liked it when it got him a seat.  His crusade against the UN and Kofi Anan were a joke and a smokescreen.  Now that Bush’s ratings are in the basement, Norm-y has taken to voting contrarian on smaller issues and light agendas, always point up a wet finger to check that moments prevailing political winds.


Enough of this guy, let him go have daily lunch with Rod Grams and they together talk about how they both were once a Senator from MN and figure out how they’re going to make in the business world.



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