Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Get Ready for Hillary-Care, Part 2

OK, maybe it’s just me, but isn’t there a complete lack of interest, thus far, in the ’08 Presidential contest?  Alright, it’s only September, ’07, but the current crop, now with Fred (‘Damn, I even act Presidential’) Thompson finally into the mix, it just seems bland.  All the candidates sound alike, practically look alike; except for the one with the dress.  And even she’s not too distinctive.


Just the way she wants it, for now.


There’s an old saying, ‘Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned’, and Hillary is at her center a very scorned woman.  Deep down, she’s still smarting from her colossal failure to socialize medicine.  Now with her generation facing massive medical bills, prescriptions, and all the other healthcare and medical services and products that contribute between 15 to 20% of the total US economy as ‘Healthcare’, she’s going to be ultra-determined to conquer her ‘Waterloo’.  Payback’s a b*tch, and she’s arming for it.  Taking the soft, centrist approach is the only way she can have any possibility of selling voters on taking a gamble with her.  America will regret it. 


There’s plenty of grist on either side as to whether healthcare needs more or less intervention, but this much is clear;  Hillary will go after it once again if she’s successful in convincing middle-of-road voters (complacent soccer moms, low- and middle-manager types who loathe and envy CEO’s, and wary government employees) to join the ranks of the vehement anti-Bush brigade, the ultra-left feminists, and the cross-section of Hillary’s NY voter block) to swallow her ‘moderate’ stance.  Please don’t be fooled.  She’s gotta do what she’s gotta do to get in the office, then look out.  And not just healthcare, either.


Get ready guys, because not only will she right herself in healthcare, she’s going to try and gut everything male-dominated, including gun ownership (good luck, hunters).  This isn’t an NRA rant, but she’s been working on that for nearly as long as Hillary-Care, maybe longer. 


It’s going to be another sign of the decline of the US.  Here’s hoping somebody can come in with a real and genuine moderate approach.




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