…depends on where she is, who she’s talking to, and too many other variables to make a prediction, except one:
She Desperately Wants to be Your President.
There’s the flap about questions fed to audience members (found here:
and the admission by several deep-pocketed Democratic contributors, David Geffen among them, who simply will not contribute a plug nickel because ‘Hill and Bill’ simply cannot be trusted anymore?
Before we toss every lick of sense out the window, and fully submit to political naiveté, we’re talking about whether a politician can be trusted, held to their word, and whether we can count on them to protect our nation, our foreign interests, and make sure we can continue to function as a civilized society.
Has Bush Jr. done this? Polls would tell you a resounding NO, with 60% or more respondents saying this presidency is as bad as any in history, and the lowest approval ratings since they were being conducted.
Can Hilary do better? Would it be Bill’s show, with Hillary wielding the rubber stamp? Can we trust any candidates right now? If we can’t, who can we trust the LEAST? That should be one point to think about, because if we want to move away from the type of deceit and double-talk we have endured for the past 6+ years, we need to think about WHO our president should be, not what the political machines tell you who your president should be. It’s still a choice by the voters, if they want to ask the right questions.
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