Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Bachmann takes a page from the 1990 Boschwitz

The now easily beatable congress person from MNs 6th district has walked the same path as former US Senator Rudy Boschwitz, and in a way has stepped into the same cow pie.  Stating that current candidates for office may be un-American has to be on par with the stupidity of then Sen. Boschwitz stating that upstart Paul Wellstone was somehow not Jewish enough.  How do INCUMBENTS, an ingrained group who, if they simply say nothing stupid, can be re-elected for 30 + years (Martin Sabo, Jim Oberstar), be THAT DUMB to make such unsubstantiated statements about other candidates? 

Its clear that Ms. Bachmann has, in her brief 2 year hitch, taken to believe her own party hubris, not to mention her own importance.  Only someone who blindly believes they alone are right would come out so boldly with such preposterous statements.  Of course, the backpedaling is equally astounding, and shows an inability to be accountable for what one says as well as for having no knowledge of MN political history or even having decorum.  These are not the traits of a person who is supposed to be the voice and leader of a congressional district in any part of America. 

It really is important for Minnesota, and the 6th district, to remove this person on election day.  Just as Rudy Boschwitz paid for his hubris back in 1990, so must the dingbat from Stillwater.