Tuesday, April 24, 2007

too many realtors

Too many mortgage lenders, too, it seems.  And that after already massive unwinding in the mortgage lender ranks over the past 2 years.  And with foreclosure rates setting records, and the sub-prime lending market all but imploding, not to mention the horrendous mortgage our country has made fighting a net-meaningless war (in terms of economic benefit, strategic gain, or globally politically stabilizing), we have, as the nation of USA, succeeded in fully ‘leveraging’ (the financial term for taking out as much debt as possible) the future of the country.  And like the sub-prime market, will in the not too distant future be holding a sheriff’s sale on the steps of the court house (in this case, the big one in DC) where upon our creditors (read here:  China, Germany, Canada) can bid for the remaining asset for fractions of a penny on the dollar (as if our currency hasn’t already been completely gutted).  Buy some gold, and some lead while you’re at it.  land ownership will do, as long as it’s out far from the city, and it can sustain a crop.

Compliments of what is arguably the WORST presidency in the history of the nation (or at least as bad as that run from Harding to Hoover back in the 1920’s).


tough to take 'em seriously

Isn’t it interesting how quickly a politico can ‘duck-n-cover’, especially in an otherwise very trivial case of haircuts?

So what does a person do with a $400 haircut that can’t be done for $50?  $25?  Or even $9.99?

How can any of these people expect their constituents to take them seriously when their haircuts, THEIR HAIRCUTS!!, cost as much in a year as half the gross earnings of their voter block?  And shame on those voters who don’t ask the most basic of questions of these charlatans, that being:

How can you represent me and my needs in Washington DC

But then, this is cheap compared to the $2K plus Ms.Hillary (or more accurately, her ‘campaign’) shells out to make her ‘camera-ready’.  Is that what the Democrats learned from JFK, that it’s paramount to look good on TV?  Or was it simply that Dick Nixon looked bad, and JFK could do nothing but look better, comparatively speaking?  Honestly, if a politician wants to ask for your vote, and implores you to allow ‘em to represent you, in DC from your district, your state, or in the world from your country, ask them how being so detached from your daily reality of $10 hair care makes them qualified.

It’s time to bring sanity to US politics, starting with something as seemingly trivial as a simple hair cut.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

worth clicking through

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There’s not a political machine, party, candidate, or platform that can alter this fiasco.