Thursday, August 31, 2006

Lieberman tossed under the bus

Amazing how politicians will do and say anything to survive on the Hill. Take this entry from CNN on Sen. Lieberman's approach after getting wacked by DNC Chmn. H. Dean and his fanatical anti-war minions. Say what you will about Dean, the one thing he's done exceptionally well is establish a very wide power base of grassroots democrats who are vehemently opposed to the Iraq war, Bush, Cheney, and everything associated with any of them (Lieberman included).

Why are so many republican candidates distancing themselves from Bush?

Isn't partisan politics fun?

The problem is that Lieberman actually understands the consequences of an immediate and total withdrawal from Iraq. Can you say "Taliban, Part 2?" No sooner would the remaining US / UN forces be gone than chaos of greater-than-Bosnian proportions would take place. Sunnis and Shiites would attempt to annihilate each other, with Syria, Iran, and Saudi Arabia backing their chosen sects.

What a mess.

Is this what Dean and Co. wants? they're clearly not thinking this through. and when this fiasco goes into full swing, who's going to have to step in? and what will our energy markets look like? again, are Dean and Co. looking at the bigger picture, or is it just fun and fashionable to pull out the protest signs and hit the streets?

wake up people, there's more at stake...

Texas Toast

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