Thursday, August 31, 2006

the politics of energy

Here we go again.  Any savvy energy trader will look at today's markets and snap up as many Futures contracts as possible .    Near term prices for natural gas has slipped below $6.00.  buy it now because when that cold snap hits in February, you're going to make a pile of dough.

what does that have to do with the midterm elections?  well, here's a theory... 

Bush want to burnish his legacy.  after all, he has a library to build. 

with so many candidates looking to create space between themselves and Bush, he's working to engage these people to ensure his final two years in office will solidify his place in history by helping push through his policies.  all this is going to cost money.  and it's no secret that Bush's strongest Allies are in the energy business.  they'd done quite well during his administration.  today's dipped in energy prices signals a buying opportunity to raise cash in the coming months as election time rolls near. 

farfetched?  as another old political hack one said,

"follow the money".

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