Wednesday, January 17, 2007

crying and whining...

Democrats have to abandon the whiny approach and the narrowly focused candidates and take the broad middle that’s ripe for the taking.  The Republicans have chosen to move further right and be completely taken over by the evangelicals.  The time is now to appeal to middle Americans who are fed up with insane spending on a futile conflict in the Middle East.  The Democrats have a golden opportunity to move to the center and inject common sense and impact domestic policies for generations, IF they can take the same “Morning in America” approach that worked so well for Reagan. 


Why take a page from the Reagan admin.?  It’s about separating our nation from troublesome and damaging events overseas (Reagan came in to help clear the messy slate of Iran hostage crisis).  We NEED to get out of Iraq.  We NEED to take the vast sums of national wealth being used for war and use it for R&D and infrastructure development for alternative energy systems for transportation, production, commerce, and home use.  The whole Iraq mess is turning out to be an endless circle of sectarian violence by and between organized and financed criminals who cloak themselves in religion for the purpose of recruiting suicidal youths.  Iraq is sitting on a virtual ocean of oil.  Who cares when automobiles run on corn, soybean, and switchgrass distillates or when electricity is provided by hydro, clean coal, wind, nuclear, and geothermal sources?


Time for the Democrats to speak intelligently about America’s post-oil future, to appeal to people who strive for self-determination, and make it the national calling to use the ‘war’ money for research and development.  It can’t get much more middle American than that.




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